Heya! I’m Kenneth. I write code for a living. I used to teach Python as a job. I also participate in open source. I also offer private mentoring and code review. I do a lot of other things, too, but you’re probably not here for them.
I’ve been a developer for well over a decade now. I’ve worked for ecommerce sites, design firms, and did freelance development for a long time. I have experience setting up servers, using third-party services, building bots for various systems, and more. I also built a pretty popular collection of mixins for Django’s class-based views. Some of them even got merged into Django itself.
I’m also a frequent conference presenter and sometimes do programming live streams.
In the past, I’ve helped organize workshops and conferences. Basically, I have a lot of fingers and I like to keep them in pies. That’s such a weird phrase.
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